Free Online Courses Certificates - How to Value Your Jewelry at Home or Work
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Do you know about - How to Value Your Jewelry at Home or Work
Free Online Courses Certificates! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.Many thanks for taking the time to read this compact jewelry article entitled 'How to Value your Jewelry at Home or Work'. You are about to gawk the intricacies and formulas that very suited Gemologists and Valuers are using, right now, to value and appraise gold, silver and platinum jewelry.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Online Courses Certificates.But before we begin, I would simply like to bring you 'up to speed' on what will be required. As you know, the art of valuing jewelry takes many years to learn (over five years before you can graduate) and then it takes any more years to gain the essential touch to 'get it right'.
Gemologists don't all come to be Valuers because of this high level of study, which doesn't comprise the cost of Microscopes and Refractometers and Dichroscopes and and and....
In this schedule we don't even want to explicate what these pieces of tool are because firstly; they are too costly (you can pay thousands of dollars just for a binocular microscope) and secondly because you are not a trained jeweler, and probably don't want to be.
So don't let that put you off because we are Not trying to turn you into professionals overnight. That would be wrong of us to even try.
We don't want the Jargon either. Just some straightforward facts. What we are going to achieve is nothing more than a straightforward comprehension of what you need to know, to at least get a 'Slippery Grip' of basic terms. The hardest part is Not the testing or algorithms complex but in general the exact and systematic identification of what your are trying to value. The calculations are nothing more than a natural outcome, which just proves what can be accomplished using the most straightforward school mathematics. If you can multiply and divide, and add money, you can do this course.
We assume you are trying to get a 'Ball Park' figure on something you own, or want to own, or sell, or insure. Which brings us to the first question.
What exactly is a Valuation or Appraisal?
All of the calculations and procedures done throughout this series of articles are built into our 'Online Jewelry Valuation Self estimation Kit' which does all the work for you. Why? So you don't have to. Simple...
You can go to the Valuation estimation Centre, to gawk how easy it is to value your own jewelry at home or work (The address is listed at the lowest of this article) and gawk why we use it ourselves.
This is an leading yet sadly overlooked concept.
People, just like you, simply want to 'Know what it's Worth' but that's a very subjective statement. For example:
What's it worth to you?
Does it have sentimental value?
If it does, there is no way we can measure or suspect for that. It's a personal thing.
What's it worth on Ebay?
That depends if you are a Buyer or a Seller. At the end of the day the value lies in what two citizen agree upon.
What's it worth if you bought it from your neighbor?
What's it worth to them or what's it worth to you?
These are two separate things.
What's it worth when your local Jewelry Store has a 50% Off Sale?
Are you of course buying a trade or is it just an additional one ploy to get your money.
What's it worth if it's stolen?
Does this value characterize the true figure?
If you were 'Fagin' in Oliver Twist, what was it worth to him?
Bet Fagin had a separate price in mind when he traded with the Artful Dodger.
But what if you were the jewelry owner. What's it worth then?
The insurance company might have a separate view to you. After all, they want to replace it as cheaply as possible, while you want it valued as high as you can. You pay the selected for the privilege, of course, but it still remains very loose.
Tip: A 'Valuation or Appraisal' is generally appropriate as a price based on insurance assessment. All other valuations flow from this one rate.
So the retort lies in some form of appropriate appropriate which must be based on sound principles, backed by Repeatable formulas which can be imaginable to be 'around the same figure' no matter where you go in the world.
And thankfully, it is. Gold is Gold is gold... Right?
The calculations used (behind the scene so you never need to see them) in our 'Online Jewelry Valuation Self estimation Kit' knows from your answers to many selection questions, exactly 'What's it worth'. Easy eh?
Go to the Valuation estimation Centre to find the secrets of just how stress-free it is to value your own jewelry at home or work (The address is listed at the lowest of this article) and let the 'Kit' do it for you.
Like humans, not all gold is created equally.
Thankfully. A lot will depend on what part of the world you come from and of course can dramatically change the value of any jewelry item.
You may have wondered about that Very yellow gold which comes from the Middle East or Asia. Is it the same as the gold on Sixth Avenue or Hatton orchad in old London Town?
Why is it that jewelers talk about Carat weight in diamonds and gemstones, but also use the term Carat when it comes to the potential of gold. Are they the same thing?
We will of course be looking into that term in an upcoming issue.
You see, when it comes to Gold (this does not apply in quite the same magnitude for Silver or Platinum items) because it comes in more than one color and more than one quality.
You have the typical yellow gold, a green gold, the ever beloved white gold which is currently manufacture a bit of a comeback, and the sought after 'Rose gold,' fashionable in Victorian and Vintage Jewelry.
Each of these will have a separate price structure when it comes to appraising your jewelry. Nothing dramatic, but a unlikeness anyway.
Yet the lowest line could add any hundreds of dollars to a bangle or ring, so you will need to know 'How to' spot these distinctions in metal.
So how do you do it? By using the best tools a Valuer can possess (your eyes) while employing the many skills you can learn (how to measure things). Once you have these handy petite methods in your arsenal, the rest is just a matter of arithmetic.
So watch out for your next issue of this mini-course, where we'll describe the single most leading consideration when it comes to valuing Any jewelry.
regards and please watch the road. David Foard F.G.A.A. Fellow of the Gemological association of Australia and old member of Jatvc - The Valuers Council (retired).
P.S. If you are of course serious about getting a Valuation estimation done quickly and of course with minimum effort.... Then go to the Valuation estimation Centre to gawk just how easy it is to value your own jewelry and reproduce a Certificate on your own Printer at home or work (The address is listed below) and effect the advice given there. Couldn't be any easier.
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